In the early 19th century, the executioner's gallows were removed from the Northeast corner of London's famous Hyde Park. The public, however, continued to visit Hyde Park--no longer for its gallows, but instead to have a forum for free speech. In 1855, for example, shopkeepers gathered in the Northeast corner of the park to protest the newly passed law which forbade businesses to operate on Sunday. Other public rallies followed, and in 1872 the Northeast corner of Hyde Park was officially designated as a site for public meetings. Since 1872, political enthusiasts, religious missionaries, radical thinkers, drunks, leftists, rightists, and everyone in between is invited to stand on their own "Soap Box" to offer their opinion.

The soap box enthusiasts have included revolutionary thinkers such as Karl Marx, George Bernard Shaw, George Orwel, and even V.I. Lenin. Each speaker is typically given three minutes to develop their theme, someone then shouts "Liar!" and then the fun begins. The soapbox speaker is then subject to the often-outlandish comments of his listeners until someone else spins off their own idea and takes control of the proverbial Box of Soap.

And herein is born Steve's Box of Soap. While many blogs address a very specific topic, this blog is limitless in scope, just as the SoapBoxes of the Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. Steve's Box of Soap will hopefully be funny, insightful, random, goofy, and interesting. Most importantly, Steve's Box of Soap will be insight into what I would be saying if I were standing on a Box of Soap in Hyde Park's Speakers Corner.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Steak Night Salt Lake

Last Wednesday was the second ever "Steak Night Salt Lake" at my house in Salt Lake. A fine tradition begun in the Valley known as Happy by AB, the Wooten ladies, and the rest of the crew, Steak Night represents a celebration of fine bbq, friends, and good ole non-drinkin Mormon fun. The norms of the bbq include bringing a steak/chicken/veggies and a couple bucks in return for the fine savor of AB's bbq skills, baked potatoes, drinks, and the works. I initally invited about 70 friends, R invited probably 100 or so (he's far more popular than I), and Austin probably another 70 or so. As Steak Night Salt Lake neared, the guest list began to far exceed the invitations that were initially extended, as the invitees started to invite other invitees! That's right, Steak Night had officially gone viral! On the day of the party, the confirmed facebook guest list had over 100 confirmed RSVPs, and another 50 or so "possibly attending." Unsure of the number of steak nightees that would actually show up, I began to be a little anxious about the thought of hundreds of people being in my 850 square foot house and decided to put up lights in the backyard for the masses to party. I believe the best part of this steak night, is that since this was the first BIG party I have thrown at my house, I wondered how hundreds of people at my house would go over with the neighbors. I decided that I would put my feet into the hot bath water before the actual party by checking with my elderly neighbors to see if they would mind. A dozen gerber daisies and a "I'm going to have a FEW friends over for a bbq tonight....we'll try not to cause too much raucous" later, the waters had been tested and Steak Night Salt Lake was ready to fire up the grill.

With two ping pong tables in the backyard, a dance party in the living room, a pile of meat waiting to be grilled, and enough hormones to warm up the 40 degree weather, Steak Night was a huge success, with a headcount at one point of over 110 people, and an estimation of ~170 total for the night. And, the best part is, no policemen at my house, no citations, and no beer stains on my couches. Just good ole non-drinkin fun.

While I do not yet know about the romances that may have begun at steak night, I am hopeful that steak night will prove to be the magical beginning for at least two of the steak nightees. That's right, last steak night (in February), two of my friends met for the first time, and now they are seriously dating! Steak Night Salt Lake--A Huge Success.


  1. I've had 11 Steak Night marriages. That's right - 11. Could we have a 12th?

  2. :) It was a great night! Can't wait for the next one!!! :)
